Monday, April 29, 2013

Texting and Driving: Stopping Wrecks.

Stop the texts. Stop the Wrecks.

Texting and driving is one of the many distractions of young teenage drivers. Besides drunk driving, texting while driving can be dangerous and deadly. 

In today's soceity, modern technology has highly advanced. IPhones, IPads, or any electronic device has taken over our mental capacity especially when it comes to driving. I myself at times do get distracted. there were times when I was driving and i was answering a call at the same time. At fisrt I had no clue what I was doing. I thought it was safe and that nothing would happened to me. Luckily I was informed of the danger hazards of texting/calling while driving. There are those who sadly can't manage both and end up dying in an accident or get severley injured.
Take out your wireless device. Read the last text message you sent or received aloud. Would reading or responding to that text message from behind the wheel be worth the risk of getting into a car accident -- or worse? Our goal is to educate all wireless users, especially teen drivers, on the risks of texting while driving. AT&T is committed to putting an end to the behavior and our message is simple, yet vital: When it comes to texting and driving, it can wait.
It is clear that no one wants to be in that position. No one wants to be the person on the stretcher while being taken to the hospital. A text and call can wait. If it really is THAT important, you  can pull over and take the call or text but don't do it while your driving because either you or someone else can pay the concequences.

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