Sunday, April 28, 2013


Imagine if this creature would still be in existence? Well no one really knows if this creature has banished or not. Some have found evidence of its massive teeth that are said to be at least 7 inches long. No one has physically seen the shark but some believe that it still lurks in the seas. I actually have recently done a report of the Megalodon shark for my AP Biology class. I was really interested in this creature because before starting this report, I believed that the great white shark was the only sea creature that I feared most. 18 meters long. Taking three great white sharks just to measure it. I never imagined that a crearture this big can still be alive. If it were alive how could it have survived for such a long period of time? 

Many people have found Megalodon's teeth all over the world. It seems to be that it is the only evidence scientist can grasp of Megalodon'd existence. Some scientsits are doing research based on the creature's teeth. However trying to discover more information about the creature is a difficult task as they only have little evidence to conduct.

One thing is for sure. We are uncertain if the Megalodon is still alive. If it is where is it hiding and what will we do about it? This research has got me really intreged as I too would like to know if it is alive or not and if there are any more evidence to be discovered.

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